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Hangzhou Fuyang Fushen Pigment Co., Ltdis a familyIntegrated pigment productionEnterprise.
Company Profile
Hangzhou Fuyang Fushen Pigment Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive pigment productionenterprise. Founded in 1992, the headquarters and R & D center is located in Wanshi Town.Fuyang District, Hangzhou City. Relying on its own technical strength, the company aims atthe forefront of research in the field of international powder ultrafine and functional pigmentstransforms research results through development and design, product analysis and testing,and creates a series of pigment products suitable for various users.The company's products include iron oxide pigments, anti-rust pigments, organic pigmentsand barium sulfate fillers. The products are widely used in heavy-duty anti-corrosioncoatings, special coatings, rubber, ink, plastics, ceramics, composite materials, metallurgicalindustry and other fields. Product quality is the life of an enterprise, and the requirements ofusers are our goal. Hangzhou Fushen Pigment is developed, produced and supplied withinternational advanced level according to technical standards (such as ASTM/FDA/RoHSstandards).
Powder materials with environmental protection characteristics, continuous innovation, selftranscendence, challenge the limit, and strive to provide customers with quality products thatmeet the requirements.
Adhering to the corporate tenet of "pioneering and innovative, customer-oriented", wesincerely open up cooperation and joint research and development with our partners to buildend-to-end solutions in the field of powder pigments.